Because I freakin' LOVE my job!

I didn't really decide to write this because I wanted an audience. I love to share my highlights (and lowlights) with anyone who will listen. While I never expected that I'd be teaching preschool, I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. If you're reading, thank you for your interest in experiencing my sheer and utter joy :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Corn. Being happy. And random findings.

So I was sitting with some of the kiddos in the Dramatic Play area (it sounds so official, doesn't it? But they prefer that over 'Play house' or something) and I was staring at this corn:

And I thought to myself, "Why the hell would they make it look so real? And then they expect kids NOT to eat it???" Look at it! It's crazy! Thank goodness we disinfect on a regular basis...


I was talking to a good friend, Clare (I hope it's okay that I used your name!), and gushing about the kids again. She told me that I seem a lot happier now that when I was working at the other schools.

I told her that when I'm with the kids, they make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world, I feel like a superhero and they think I can do anything. They hang onto my every word, they laugh at all of my corny jokes... At the end of the day, I'm exhausted BUT my heart is full :D

Clare said that their love is unconditional (I've heard this from other people, too, but I can't recall who. Sorry, folks!), that no matter what I've done, if I get upset, or if I forget to do something, they'll still love me with their whole heart. It's a wonderful feeling, and I hope that everyone experiences that kind of love, whether it's from kids, a pet, a relative, or friend.

Thanks for that talk, Clare. I feel a lot better about where I'm at. Not that I really had much doubt, but a reminder every now and then is much appreciated.

I'm reminded that there is good in the world and that it's okay to wear your heart on your sleeve. Put it all out there!

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