Because I freakin' LOVE my job!

I didn't really decide to write this because I wanted an audience. I love to share my highlights (and lowlights) with anyone who will listen. While I never expected that I'd be teaching preschool, I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. If you're reading, thank you for your interest in experiencing my sheer and utter joy :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Something's going around... and I don't like it.

So... one of the aides in my classroom has been home for the last two days and discovered that she has contracted STREP-freakin-THROAT. Yes. She'll be home for the rest of the week, but that's so incredibly lame.

Not too long ago (maybe a week or so), one of the children was talking about his throat hurting. We were having snack and he told us that it hurt when he swallowed. He stayed home for a day, but quickly returned back to school.

Dad told us that strep was rampant at home with his sister and another family member! OH NO!

I don't know what Strep is like and I don't want to know! Please, don't let me get sick :(

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