Because I freakin' LOVE my job!

I didn't really decide to write this because I wanted an audience. I love to share my highlights (and lowlights) with anyone who will listen. While I never expected that I'd be teaching preschool, I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. If you're reading, thank you for your interest in experiencing my sheer and utter joy :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The teddybear cracked his head and ate foot-flavored cake.

I really need to think of more creative titles without giving too much away...

Anyhoo, more pics to share! I'll post in chronological order:

1) Sergio* (not his real name, duh) recently celebrated his birthday and he was SOOOO excited to give this to me.

I walked onto the school site and he took me by the hand, saying: "Teacher, come here. I want to show you something." He's guiding me toward the classroom, and I ask, "Is it in the classroom? Let's wait until later because we're playing outside right now."

"But I want to show you now," he says, in the most sincere way possible (not bratty at all).

"When we go inside, you can show me, okay?" "Okay," he said, sounding defeated.

As soon as we walked in, he said, "It's in here!" as he pointed to the refrigerator. He knew that  only teachers could touch the refrigerator, so he just pointed.

I opened it up and what did I see??? I most beautiful, lop-sided cupcake! The yellow frosting slid halfway off the top and it sat all by its lonesome in the cupcake tray. I exclaimed, "Is that for me??"  He had the biggest, proudest grin on his face and he said, "Yeah!" I told him that I LOVED yellow :) and he beamed.

And those cupcakes taste even better when the kiddos give them to me ;)


2) Moldy something.

We were going through an old stash of paint and we found this at the bottom of the box:

I'll let you decide what you think it is...


3) Strawberry. Platano. Foot.

We were in the sandbox making "cake" (the kids like to watch me pretend to eat it. They like the chewing noises that I make :P). Francis* brings these three "cakes" and I ask her what flavors they are, "Strawberry cake, platano cake..." and what's this one? She says, "Uh, foot cake." Mmmm, foot-flavored cake... LOL too funny. I wish you could see her, she's just adorable.

Top: Strawberry
Middle: Foot
Bottom: Platano (banana)


4) The kids had cinnamon teddy grahams today for snack with some milk. Two of the cookies were stuck together, so Carlos* told me, "Look, there are two together" as he tried to pry them apart. He wasn't successful at keeping the bottom one in tact, so he said, "Teacher, the head cracked off."


5) (No pic for this one :/)

We're shifting from Fall to Winter, so we were asking the kids why they think the leaves are falling down. We wanted to get them to talk about it being so cold, the leaves changing color and falling off, and how animals want to move somewhere that's warmer.

They were able to recite and recall "hibernation" and "migrate," except for one student. We were juggling back and forth between the two concepts to make sure that they could distinguish between the two, so we asked, "When birds move somewhere warm for the winter, what is that called?" Ally* said, "Migraine!" even though I think she meant to say, "Migrate." I told her to make sure that we could hear the "t" sound at the end, so she said, "migrate." 

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